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Custom Carved Sign With Raised Text


Interior custom carved sign with raised text on a white background.

Cursive font using “title case” words.

Font may be expanded or condensed if the custom text does not fully fit across the sign.

If customizing with the option to add citation or source, text will be prefaced with a flair symbol as shown in product images.

Upon request we will provide a proof/mockup of your submitted order.

Uses maple hardwood to ensure the sign lasts for generations.

Option to add personalized quote or phrase (with citation or source).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 21 × 7 × 1 in
Wood Type


Wood Species

Hard Maple


Classic Black

Sign Sizes

4"x12", 5"x15", 6"x18", 7"x21", 8"x24", 9"x27", 10"x30"


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